Another difficulties in working with the CNC 3018 PRO
I am a person who will have all possible complications whenever I buy anything, and in the case of the CNC 3018 PRO I did not miss it. Already in the first post, in which I described the assembly and the wood process, a few have already been introduced to you. But of course it was not easy later on, so I want to help you too. There was not much information about these errors on the Internet, so I will present them and maybe someone will also encounter them.
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I am a person who will have all possible complications whenever I buy anything, and in the case of the CNC 3018 PRO I did not miss it. Already in the first post, in which I described the assembly and the wood process, a few have already been introduced to you. But of course it was not easy later on, so I want to help you too. There was not much information about these errors on the Internet, so I will present them and maybe someone will also encounter them.
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Incorrect work of CNC 3018:
As soon as I was able to start the milling machine. I got a new motherboard and everything was supposed to work OK and that's how the stairs started.
The entire structure of this milling machine is quite cheap, so you cannot expect that the materials are of great quality and that the elements are correctly made. It was like that in my case. The x and y axis propellers were not completely parallel with the guide shafts. Which resulted in a characteristic squeak, unpleasant sound.
What was it all doing? Well, the fact that I only turned on a laser program, unfortunately during operation the engine "did not have the strength" to turn the screws. The program did not catch it, so it continued to work normally and the whole thing was shifted. Which was quite weak. The easiest solution was to check the axle and fold it again. It did nothing.
I fixed it in a simple way. In the original milling machine, the couplings connecting the motor to the bolt were a rigid element. It was enough to replace them with flexible or claws. So that the whole thing can bend to the sides. The cost of such a modification is about 25 PLN. The effect seen from the very beginning. Everything works smoothly, nothing stops.
LiteFire problem:
LiteFire is the first program to operate the laser on such engraving machines. I plan to burn patterns and cut them in plywood, I wanted it to work.
What I have noticed is that there are several versions of this program and not all of them worked the same. The program includes the weak and strong buttons to check the laser operation. After their activation, the laser should be activated in the preview mode (used, for example, to show the working field) and in the working mode (firing, full power). Unfortunately, often in the program not one worked. Weak switched the working fish or vice versa. After one time, everything was OK.
What I have noticed is that there are several versions of this program and not all of them worked the same. The program includes the weak and strong buttons to check the laser operation. After their activation, the laser should be activated in the preview mode (used, for example, to show the working field) and in the working mode (firing, full power). Unfortunately, often in the program not one worked. Weak switched the working fish or vice versa. After one time, everything was OK.
GRBLControl cannot be connected:
I had a very big problem with connecting the milling machine to the GRBLControl program. During the launch itself, there was no connection, the status was opended port, but I solved it as in the previous entry by disconnecting the offline remote.
However, that was not the only complication. I noticed that this one program comes in several versions and not all of them work with our motherboard. you must have the right one for our machine. If this is not the case, the program and the milling machine cannot be combined.
Then I had another problem. During the first run of the program, after inserting GCod everything looked OK. The program started as normal, it started working but after some time it stopped. Sometimes it was after 26 lines, another time after 300 I didn't know what it was about. There was error 9 and error 11 on the console. Which meant that no endstops were found.
I tried everything by changing the program, a different version of GRBLControl, adding endstops, reinstalling the drivers and it didn't work.
The solution came to my mind by accident, ie. Maybe I will replace the cable connecting the motherboard with the computer. And surprisingly it helped. No errors, everything works fine.
If you have error 9 and error 11 at the same time, replace the cable will help.
I think that if any of you have this problem, it will help you to follow my advice. It will probably not end with these problems for me. So as soon as they appear, I will describe them here.
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